
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tip # 1

I got this tip from Tania at on how to remember some settings. 

Low light low numbers 
high light high numbers
Iso os opposite

What do I mean?
I am talking about a few things here. 
First your shutter speed should be at a low setting.  I feel comfortable shooting at 125 (f-stop 125 or 1/125) and not get motion blur.  If you have a strong and not a wobbly tripod you can go as low as you want if your subject is not moving. Secondly, I am talking about your aperture should be a low number to get the best light but it also depends how shallow debt to field you want to get the right exposure you are looking for. Finally, your ISO setting depends on your camera.  To get the best picture with little to no grain and not do much post possess your setting should not be at the highest setting your camera can be tone it down 2 notches.  For example if your camera can go 3200 your best shot will be at 1600. 

Hope this helps.. Comments are welcome and if you have a question just ask..

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